Teams whose members come from different countries and backgrounds pose a special challenge for managers. Especially so when they have to do with every nation and culture across the globe.


27 Nationalities combined in one public organisation, together had to show results. Compliance with procedure was sacrosanct though and feedback on efforts left much to be desired. Antonie Reichling supported


The European head office of an American multinational defined a number of lean projects, but the project leaders and their teams had no experience with a structured approach. As such,


As a small supplier to global players, it was necessary to act with all offices and nationalities in a uniformed fashion; however, internal differences were far too vast. In just


A major manufacturer in hydraulics had built an international service organizations for its products through acquisitions and green fields. A worldwide uniform service offer and working methods supporting an internationally


With the credit crisis’ onslaught, a Japanese machine factory found itself in trouble globally. Results had to improve in the short term and the board of the European headquarters put


A production company was privatised and had set up the company functions of Sales, Order Management, and Logistics. However, there was reasonable doubt concerning the effectiveness and efficiency of these


As part of a large enterprise, the factory was under a lot of pressure to perform better in various areas of sales, production volume and cost prices. There were many
