Traditionally oriented towards the development and quality-assurance of the trade, the management noticed that there was an increasing need among members for support in their positioning in the field. The
About Antonie
Since 1992, Antonie Reichling has acted as organisation coach and accountability partner, as trainer, adviser and project manager, specialising in supporting businesses and organisations in realising their objectives and achieving their ambitions. As a result of his hard work and skills, more than 90 organisations—from both home and abroad—have deployed Antonie to help them with over 200 projects—both in the short- and long-term.
Antonie was trained to be mechanical engineer. His 14 years’ experience in the business world offered him a practical foundation on which to base his work as an organisation adviser.
Antonie uses a coaching approach which aims towards letting his clients do as much as possible themselves so that they can soon continue under their own power. Organisations engage Antonie Reichling because he thoroughly penetrates the client’s situation, quickly gets to the core of issues, and simultaneously shows them additional chances of making creating results.
He respects the organisation and the dynamics already present there. Antonie starts working immediately, has a great eye for detail, and knows how to enthuse everyone. With his knowledge and experience acting as a solid base, he implements only those practices which actually work and, in the process, supplies whatever is needed.
Would you want to get an impression of me as a person, please watch my video.