Sectors of Activity

” It is entirely clear what the organisation represents and that the clients are in favour of it, but you can be of even better service to those clients—and it’s possible to do that against lower costs! “

Strategic Management

You have a wonderful strategy plan, the entire management agrees with it and you have communicated it to the entire organisation. But, despite this, nothing happens! This is to say that everyone is so busy with the humdrum dealings that the projects are ultimately constantly being postponed—either that or your employees would like to help but they don’t exactly know how to realise that strategy!

Antonie helps you to translate the strategy—together with your employees—into clear objectives within a convenient term for all departments and key players. He helps you to do this in such a way that your employees connect with those objectives and accordingly help to carry the responsibility for the whole. In short, Antonie promotes teamwork.

With just a point in the right direction, you can transform your long-term plans into the concrete efforts of all employees, thereby creating a culture in which everyone invests their very best into achieving a common goal—and to maintain the results.

Stichting voor Gezinsvoogdij en Pleegzorg

Private stichting stond voor het opvangen van een groep jeugdigen die zonder haar tussen wal en schip zou vallen. De vraag was hoe de stichting haar belangrijke en groeiende taak


Het centraal bureau had ruim 40 projecten onderhanden, maar in welk stadium deze projecten zich bevonden, wanneer de oplevering verwacht werd en of die projecten op elkaar afgestemd waren, was

Quality Management

It is entirely clear what the organisation represents and that the clients are in favour of it, but you can be of even better service to those clients—and it’s possible to do that against lower costs!

Antonie helps you to organise your processes and organisation effectively and efficiently, which is done in such a way that constant improvement becomes second nature within the organisation.

So, you can live up to what you have promised, whilst simultaneously creating a culture in which all employees work hard to exceed the clients’ expectations, as well as to guarantee a future for both themselves and the organisation.

Programme and Project Management

Whether you manage strategy execution or quality, you will need to implement changes—small as well as large changes which require considerable effort from a multidisciplinary team.
Furthermore, everyone—including you—needs to continue with their ‘regular’ work. How do you make sure that you put your strengths into action in the right place, and that this action delivers useful results?

Antonie helps you to make the right choices for projects, enabling you to strive for excellent results in the light of your strategy and enabling you to consciously take the available change capacity of your organisation into consideration—even if this is perhaps not the best time.
In turn, your project managers and teams will help Antonie to effectively realise those results with a cost-aware attitude, and to accordingly deal with those changes which will certainly occur in the meantime; this is done via a flexibe yet critical approach.

As such, your organisation is always progressing towards a better future, complete with useful projects which can carry the organisation forward, and where all employees work with both conviction and pleasure.